The GNU Free Documentation License is a form of copyleft intendedfor use on a manual, textbook or other document to assure everyonethe effective freedom to copy and redistribute it, with or withoutmodifications, either commercially or non-commercially. The latest versionis 1.3.
The GNU GPL is designed so that you can easily apply it to your ownprogram if you are the copyright holder. You don't have to modify theGNU GPL to do this, just add notices to your program which referproperly to the GNU GPL. Please note that you must use theentire text of the GPL, if you use it. It is an integral whole, andpartial copies are not permitted. (Likewise for the LGPL, AGPL, and FDL.)
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Starting this week, you should see Link format available on Windows devices running the Canary channel of Microsoft Edge. When you copy from the address bar and right-click to paste, you will see that Paste now has a fly-out menu and that plain-text URL pasting is now Ctrl+Shift+V.
@Scott Arbeit Sadly, it never did what you describe of copying what you select. Try a URL with non-ASCII characters like łystok. What used to get put on the clipboard was the text Now you get this plus the following HTML as well as two new link formats.
Not a single one if these variants will paste the IRI. I might even be OK with a link format that uses the encoded URL with the link target and the IRI with the link text. I can't say I never want the page title but I personally rarely want the text that the target itself uses as its title.
I mentioned the issue with IRIs only point out that Anaheim previously would not copy what the user sees. My major gripe is that I need any app that understands CF_HTML of presumably the new link clipboard types to support Paste Special if they will prioritize HTML over plain text, which any such app would presumably do. And when they do, such as the Office apps, is requires much more effort than just Ctrl+V which I believe is the point of the post to which I replied. My more serious gripe is that I use Win+V a great deal, more often than not with URLs, and there is no mechanism for Win+V and Paste Special. Maybe discuss this with the Windows team that just combined Win+V and Win+. to fill this hole.
I also want to mention, though you likely knew this, is that Copy Link in the context menu of right clicking on an HTML anchor element doesn't work as I would expect which would be to copy the link using the inner text as the title. Obviously this is complicated by the ability to have more than just text but it seems weird.
@MissyQ No, just no !Pourquoi vous faites ça ?Quand je partage un lien, je veux avoir l'image preview, le titre et la description pas juste du texte.A quoi servent les twitter card, ... avec votre trucs ? C'est incompréhensible pour tout le monde.Quand je partage un lien sur Slack, mes interlocuteurs ne savent pas où cliquer pour aller voir le lien que je partage. Avec une image, un titre et une description, c'était bien mieux.J'espère vraiment que cette nouvelle façon de copier/coller des liens sera enlevé ou au moins qu'elle ne sera pas utilisé par défaut. Ctrl+V = Plain Text & Ctrl+Shift+V = votre f*** fonction.Without seem better !
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Truecaller(Opens in a new window) offers apps for iOS(Opens in a new window) and Android(Opens in a new window) that strive to block spam phone calls and text messages. The app identifies each incoming call, especially those from unfamiliar numbers, so you know if it's legit or not. It can automatically block unwanted calls based on known spammers, as well as numbers you manually add.
NewsML-G2 is an open standard for the exchange of all kinds of news information. This can be content, such as text, pictures, audio and video, or information about Events and News Planning. A sister standard, SportsML-G2 conveys rich sports information. The content can be in any format or encoding. It is conveyed with semantically-precise metadata that matches the needs of a professional news workflow and the way that content is consumed both in a B2B and B2C context.
The text transmission standards IPTC7901 and its cousin ANPA1312 have been a key enabler of news exchange for news agencies and their newspaper and broadcaster customers, as has the IIM standard for pictures. All media organisations have benefited from these standards; they have been essential to the adoption of digital production technologies. NewsML was first launched in 2000, and the G2 version of NewsML in 2006.
Increasingly, text and pictures are being augmented by dynamic content: video, audio, animated graphics, and the availability of this material needs to be signalled in the schedule to interested parties in a way that is amenable to software processing.
When news is received electronically, the recipient needs to be able to process the information quickly and reliably. When one considers that each day, a large news organisation may receive, from multiple sources, thousands of images, and hundreds of thousands of words of text, plus video, audio and graphics, the scale of the processing required becomes apparent.
The management of news requires organisations to know whether any given piece of content is useable, and in what context. Media organisations often receive content under embargo. This is information that has been released to professional journalists in advance so that they may complete any work needed to make it ready for dissemination to the public. Only when the embargo time has passed may the content be published. These informal protocols work because it is in the interests of all parties to co-operate. If they break an embargo, journalists know that their job may become more difficult because the provider will withhold information in future.
Quick Start Guides are intended to give implementers enough information about NewsML-G2 to begin creating a useful working set of model NewsML-G2 documents fortheir organisation, or to begin working with NewsML-G2 documentsprovided by another organisation. This Basics Guide covers the NewsML-G2features that are common to most types of content. The other Quick StartGuides give more specific information about NewsML-G2 for text, pictures, video, and news packages.
The example in this Quick Guide to NewsML-G2 Basics uses a News Itemwith text content to illustrate the basic principles in action. Readthis guide first, and proceed to further Quick Guides specific to Text,Pictures, Video, and Packages, as needed.
One of the few mandatory NewsML-G2 elements, , uses QCodesissued by the IPTC to identify the business intention of the Item. For aNews Item, the scheme is News Item Nature, with a recommended SchemeAlias of "ninat". Values from the scheme include (not limited to)"ninat:text" and "ninat:picture". The catalog reference is:
These properties set the context of news content in relation to othernews by describing and classifying it. Information that has historicallybeen carried within the content itself, such as the headline and by-line(for text) or embedded metadata (for pictures) may also be specified asmetadata. The practical benefit is that the end user no longer needs toscan or retrieve the actual content in order to process it. None of theDescriptive Metadata elements are mandatory, but the following featurefrequently in NewsML-G2 implementations.
The content of a NewsML-G2 document varies according to its Item type:the example below shows a News Item with a wrappercontaining a trivial text payload. Following this code example areskeletal examples showing the other options for conveying content inNewsML-G2 News Items and Package Items:
The building blocks of the text document shown above are the root element, with additional wrapping elements for metadata about theNews Item (itemMeta), metadata about the content (contentMeta) and thecontent itself (contentSet). The top level (root) element attributes are:
XHTML is also a popular text mark-up choices among NewsML-G2 providers; the contents of may be any XML language that can express generic or specialised news information, including SportsML-G2. Other languages such as XBRL (Extended Business Reporting Language) may also be used. The content inside must be valid XML, in other words, it could stand alone as a valid XML document in its own namespace.
Note that this complies with the basic NewsML-G2 rule that "one piece of content = onenewsItem". Although the video may be composed of material from manysources, it remains a single piece of journalistic content created bythe video editor. This is analogous to a text story that is compiled bya single reporter or editor from several different reports.
The example also indicates the language being used in the shot, and thecontext in which it is used. In this case, @role uses a QCode from aproprietary EBU scheme to indicate that the soundtrack of the shot is avoiceover in English.
The element allows a provider to name a pre-arranged templateor transformation stylesheet that can be used to process the package,for example "text and picture" could be the name of a template;"textpicture.xsl" would be an xsl stylesheet. The @versioninfo of a enables the template or stylesheet to be versioned:
In the example, the "root" group is identified as the group withid="G1". This group has a role of "main" and consists of a text storyand a picture of Barack Obama. The group with id="G2" has the role of"sidebar" and contains a text and picture of Hillary Clinton. It isreferenced by a in Group G1.
In the above examples, the referenced resources in the package have beenNews Items, but may also refer to other Items, such as PackageItems. The following example of shows how a Package Item canbe used as part of a Package Item. This type of "Super Package" could beused to send a "Top Ten" package (a themed list of news) where eachreferenced item is also a package consisting of references to the text,picture and video coverage of each news story. 2ff7e9595c