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PS3 – Top Spin 3: 온라인 모드로 세계랭킹에 도전하세요

Writer's picture: etelalraronecetelalraronec

You still have access to a full range of shots with Move using a combination of motions and buttons, with powerful top spin shots and delicate slices all available, but setting your power is unpredictable: what you thought was a hard-hitting forehand can come out as a precision control shot, and vice versa. Serves are similarly unpredictable, but these problems could have been easily overcome with better instructions and tutorials.

PS3 – Top Spin 3

I can't comment on the game itself because I don't have it. But one part of the review does bother me. I actually play real tennis (USTA rated 4.0-4.5). You do need to start initiating your swing when the ball is a good 6 feet in front of you. That way, by the time your swing is near the side of your body (racket face is open), you'll hit the ball square. If you swing too late, that's when the ball becomes a moon ball. In fact, late swings are the reason beginners can't keep the ball on the court. Again, I can't comment on the game since I haven't tried it but I can comment on tennis mechanics. for example, gamers have some weird notion that all racket sports have the same mechanics (table tennis, tennis, racquetball, etc.). they do not. In tennis, there is very little wrist action except for the serve and maybe the slice. Top spin and other groundstrokes come more from your legs for power and your arm motion and grip for type of stroke. A strong western grip for heavy topspin. A more continental grip for flatter shots. For example, if you finish with your stroke so that your arm is point straight forward, it'll be a straight flat shot. In fact, if you go into a tennis class and play with a loose wrist, they'll laugh at you. And yet gamers somehow talk about how important it is to have wrist action. I guess it's because gamers grew up playing Wii tennis games and watching tennis on TV rather than playing on the court. Again, I'm not covering the game, but just tennis mechanics in general. If the game uses the analog stick at all, I think that makes it a fail.

@ dirtyvu: I don't play Tennis in real life, but enjoy the console games (when they are good), so that info was quite insightful, thanks. However, you're right- this game is a fail, because it doesn't take into account the direction of your swing, or even which side- you could be doing a back hand in the game and still do a fore hand stroke with the Move and pull it off. You have to hold a button while swinging if you want to lob or slice, yet you are able to swing diagonally up to add top spin. The poorest decision though has to be directing your shot via the analogue stick on a DS or Navi controller instead of registering that from your Move swing. Absolutely pointless incorporating the Move- added to help with marketing and boosting sales no doubt, without any effort from the developers.

@ dirtyvu: and that's all i have ever wanted in a Tennis game- a FUN experience. It's not much to ask that a Tennis game allows me to make forehand and backhand strokes adding spin if i want or and upward motion for lobbing, gentle stroke for drop shots etc etc. I want a game me and my family can play together, and one we will have fun playing using motion control, like we did with Wii Sports Tennis and Grand Slam Tennis on Wii. I can't believe I spent so much money on a technically better system yet the games are getting worse not better.

@james: Actually as much as it pains me to say, I prefer Racket Sports to the Top Spin 4 demo. At least it attempts to direct the shot based on your swing direction unlike this- with a little practice it works 7 times out of 10. Not ideal i know, but you can also do lobs, slices, and add spin, all by motion control- no buttons needed. And types of shot work pretty well from my experience. The only issue I have with Racket Sports tennis is the shot direction not always going where you aimed your swing. I really wanted Racket Sports to be bettered

Like CGC76 i'm going to have to disagree with this review. I got this game over the weekend and was skeptical at first. But after sticking with it for a few hours i must say that it's a very worthwhile title to pick up if your looking for a tennis game with move support. I've played the motion demo of virtua tennis as well and say that top spin comes out on top.

I am having trouble trying to finish the "Lair of the Shadow Broker" in the Mass Effect Trilogy on the PS3. I am up to the part of chasing down Vasir in the transports, where you have to hold down the L1 button to chase her down. Well, without warning, the controller just shuts itself off after holding the L1 button for a few seconds, which causes the vehicle in the the game to just stop or spin in circles. I did buy the game system with said controller pre-owned, but I don't know if that may be the issue, because it works fine with my other games, although I'm not holding the L1 button down that much when I am playing them. 2ff7e9595c


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